UPCOMING EVENT! Tarot Basics @ Alchemy Arts in Chicago—and online on Zoom

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Greetings friends! As you probably know, I think EVERYONE should read tarot. My next event, on Friday September 10th at 8pm CST at Alchemy Arts in Chicago, is a way of trying to make that happen. It’ll be one jam-packed, immersive hour of everything you need to know to get started reading the cards and their mysteries. There’s a limited amount of seating available for those in the Chicago area who wish to attend in person. Or you can attend in the modern manner, on Zoom.

The tarot-curious and those who are just beginning their tarot journey will benefit the most from this presentation. If you’re already familiar with my work, it’ll be a chance to see the practical framework behind the esoterics I write about, and how it’s applied in actual practice.

Kindly spread the word among your tarot-curious friends!

Buy tickets for Tarotista