COMFORT YOUR DEMONS: The 9 of Swords Blanket Project

If you, like me, are a hardcore tarotista, you're familiar with the famous blanket on the Rider Waite Smith 9 of Swords. The protagonist of the card is a literal picture of anxiety—as much so as Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'—but the blanket tells a different story.  I've always believed that the blanket represents the implicit security of being grounded, alive, and embodied. The demons in the 9 of Swords are intellectual specters! You can wake up to discover that in real life, you are OK! I think the blanket is a reminder of that.  Its roses are a symbol of life's passion and vibrancy; its glyphs are the embrace of the eternal cosmos.

For many years I have thought, “I would like to have that blanket.” I imagined curling up in its colorful embrace, swaddled in warmth, anxieties quelled. It never seemed to be quite time. But I found myself thinking about it more and more this winter, and one afternoon I found myself doggedly attempting to learn how to draw a rose: Step One on the path to emulating Pamela Colman Smith’s design.

For the astrological symbols, I decided to keep Pixie’s dot-glyph style, and to focus on the 12 zodiac symbols, the 7 planetary symbols, and ⊕, the symbol for earth. And then I uploaded it to RedBubble, so that you, too, can now put your demons to rest as only a true tarot nerd can.

The design comes in five formats: throw blanket, tapestry, comforter, duvet cover, and for some reason, shower curtain (don’t ask me why, it’s a RedBubble thing). It comes in a couple of size options, too. I got mine as a medium-sized throw blanket - just the right size for curling up with a nice fat novel when you absolutely, positively, need to take a mental vacation.

 And you know what the funny thing is? As I finished up the design I realized: O. M. G. Mars is in Gemini II! Why does this matter? Because the 9 of Swords corresponds to the second decan of Gemini, and because the ruler of that decan in Western astrology is…Mars.

So today, the last Mars-day and Mars-hour of Mars’ sojourn in Gemini II, I share this unexpectedly Martial gift with you. May you, too, find solace for all your nightmares and comfort in all your waking hours!

Obtain yours here: